Office Space in Italy for Tourists and Italian Enthusiasts

Italian Enthusiasts understand that there is never a legitimate reason not to visit Italy. For many of us, however, work and financial responsibilities limit or even prohibit international travel, preventing millions of Italian Enthusiasts from ever setting foot on Italy’s sacred soil. This is a tragedy, veramente. Fortunately, nineteen of the Italy’s main cities, including Milan, Rome and Naples, now offer Regus office space, designed in part, for the transient traveler and Italian Enthusiast.

Many Italian Enthusiasts can now take advantage of Regus‘s offices, co-working and meeting spaces designed to promote a productive work environment for travelers that (like me) work for a living. In my case, I run a busy law practice in Florida whereon any given day, I have to deal with litigation deadlines, ongoing legal projects, client consultations, etc. To fulfill my existing work obligations and also to secure new, prospective matters, it is imperative that I have a comfortable working space.
Finding a comfortable working space in a foreign country is not always easy. At Regus, which has over 3000 office locations worldwide, they pride themselves on offering comfortable working environments. What makes a working space comfortable to promote maximum work productivity? For me its: 1) quiet and clean office space; 2) spacious and clean bathrooms; 3) kitchen, offering drinks and espresso; 4) friendly and helpful staff and peers; 5) convenient location and hours of operation; 6) natural light; 7) no foul odors; 8) WiFi and phone signals; 9) conference area to meet clients, if necessary; and 10) printing and scanning capabilities. At Regus Florence, where I usually work, it has all of these.

Regus offers many options, including daily, monthly or even annual office rentals, many of which can be booked on the company’s simple smartphone app. Further, with nineteen locations throughout Italy in many of the main cities, staying productive (and making money) in Italy, even while traveling from city to city, is now a reality. Whether you are an entrepreneur, business owner or executive, or whether you are involved with travel, or draw an income from online or social media outlets, Italian travel for the working man and woman has become significantly easier and more appealing.

For travelers afraid of losing money by coming to Italy, or not being able to afford travel or leave work, those days are long gone (at least for many of us). In the modern era of internet technology, we all need to allow technology to work for us, thereby maintaining the cultural balance that brings out the best in all of us.
Any of the Regus staff will be able to help you in Italy, but if you are traveling to Florence, be sure to reach out to Francesca, the friendly Sales Manager. Francesca is from Sardegna originally, which means if you can get her to say cavallo, you are in for a big surprise (an inside joke in Sardegna)!
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June 21, 2024