Author Archives: Anthony Barbuto

Anthony Barbuto

Sicilia, Travel

Nightlife in Assoro, Sicily

A nightclub by definition is an entertainment venue, usually operating late into the night, with a dance floor, music and booze.  When most people think of a nightclub, venues come...

October 12, 2016
Travel, Veneto

The Italian Bachelor Party

In June 2016 while at a wine festival on Lake Garda in a town called Bardolino, I witnessed, quite symbolically, a young man taped to a cross, and carrying it...

October 05, 2016
Rome Horse Show 2016
Lazio, Travel

Rome Horse Show

In Italy there is no shortage of equestrian sports. Whether it’s fox hunting on horseback at I Due Laghi in Anguillara Sabazia, horse racing at Il Palio in Siena, polo...

October 02, 2016
Fiat 500

Driving Italian Style

Italian Enthusiasts know that an excellent way to represent Italy is driving an Italian automobile. Aside from the Italian motor vehicle brands that only a small percentage of the world’s...

September 28, 2016
Airport Style

Dressing in Style for International Flights

For an Italian Enthusiast, dressing with style is par for the course. With Italy being the world’s best-dressed nation, Italian Enthusiasts know that dressing fashionably not only feels good, but...

September 25, 2016
Getting Married in Italy

Getting Married in Italy

Getting married in Italy, as an American, is not only for the rich and famous.  I married my wife in Italy on September 12, 2015, and being that she grew...

September 21, 2016
Barbuto Wine
Food & Wine

Homemade Wine & Limoncello Making

To be an Italian Enthusiast, wine and limoncello making come with the territory.  Whereas in the United States, it is customary to live in a house that also includes a...

September 18, 2016
Juliet's Balcony
Travel, Veneto

Juliet’s Balcony in Verona

On the day of the Adele concert in Verona in June 2016, and while sightseeing near Piazza delle Erbe, I came across Casa di Giulietta, a beautiful Gothic style building...

September 14, 2016